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What Draws Distinctive Vibe?

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Louise came for eye examination, she found no difference in wearing and not wearing her existing glasses made 1 year ago. She did Lasik quite some years ago.

Examination showed:
R: +0.25/-0.50×100 (6/6)
L: +0.50/-1.25×45 (6/6)

Louise sees perfectly fine even with little astigmatism. She is happy to be spectacle free and she only wears her glasses when using computer. Her vision is fine on daytime, she was advised to have a pair of glasses for night driving.

Louise feels tired eyes especially towards end of the day, with no complaint of blurry near vision/dryness/grittiness. Microscope examination showed mild redness on conjunctiva(whitish part of eye) and no dry spot found on fluorescein test(evaluation of dry eye). Taking regular break or 20-20-20 rule is of great importance for heavy computer users, allowing our eyes and muscles to reset & relax before we resume our work. Should we feel our eyes are grittily dry, we may supplement with non-preserved artificial tears to lubricate the eyes.

Due to nature of her work, requiring her to face computer most of the time, Louise is concerned about the effect of screens to her eyes. Research has not proven that blue light from computer/hp can spoil our eyes, so having blue filter lenses is as additional protection to our eyes.

Louise has specific shape in mind that she wants. Her existing pair is a roundy frame, and she knows that she wants a different shape, back to squarish now. Waza, with its neatness at the best in finest titanium piece, drawing distinctive vibe upon her.. great for career advancement! Pairing with Essilor Blue UV Capture lens, non blue lens that she has opted for.

Thank you Louise for your trust & support!?