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Strabismus & Amblyopia?

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CF (M/16) came for eye examination, not wearing any glasses. He has nystagmus and he has abnormal head posture, having face turn.

Examination showed:
Subjective Refraction
R: -2.25/-1.00×110 (6/24) N14@40cm
L: -3.00/-0.75×90 (6/12) N10@40cm

Single letter VA
R: 6/15
L: 6/12

Examination of eye alignment
(Cover Test)
R Exotropia @ distance & near
– exotropia can be alternating too

(Maddox Rod @D&N)
Only see red spotlight

Examination of 3D vision (Random Dot 3S)

CF has:
1. Strabismus (Exotropia is eye deviated outwards)
2. Amblyopia (Lazy eye)
3. Nystagmus (Eye makes repetitive, involuntary eye movements)

CF always bangs into something, and his father reported that he does not know how to avoid banging into oncoming things/people. He wants to go for motorbike license in which his father is very worried and keeps convincing him to delay his intention. His father also reported that CF was involved in previous minor accidents and had paid for the damages incurred many times.

CF really wants to get his license and gets around independently. We will do what we can to try to improve his vision. We would also seek advise from other optometrists in relation to his conditions to see what we can still do or to refer him accordingly. And he holds an OKU card but he communicates well and is well-mannered.

We will update again soon.