Rubavathy Supramaniam

  • Post author:

Ruba (F/48) came with complaint of blurry far vision & glaring driving at night since many years ago & near vision is fine.. but she finds that her near vision is slightly blurry these days too. She has a pair of glasses for driving but it was broken (she did not bring).

Vision without glasses
R: 6/18-
L: 6/18-

Examination shows:
R: -1.00/-0.25×90 (6/6) [+1.00 blur test: 6/9-] [R: right dominant eye]
L: -1.00/-0.50×90 (6/6) [+1.00 blur test: 6/12-]
Add: +1.75

Other assessments show:

Cover Test
Distance: NMD
Near: small XP, fast recovery

Howell Card (6BD on OD)
Distance: 0 – 1 EP
Near: 2 – 4 XP
-1.00 Near: 0 – 2 XP



NPC (RAF rule)
8/10cm, 8/10cm, 8/10cm, 8/10cm, 8/10cm

AA (RAF rule)
R: 43yo, 43yo (blur @end of RAF rule, clear @36cm)
L: 42yo, 42yo (blur @end of RAF rule, clear @34cm)

Accommodation Facility (+/- 1.00)
BE: 15 cpm, difficult minus lens
R: 15 cpm, difficulty minus lens
L: 15 cpm, difficult minus lens

R: dim
L: dim

Fusional Reserves (Prism Bar)
Near, NFV: 8/12/10
Near, PFV: 8/12/10
Distance, NFV: x/10/6
Distance, PFV: x/14/12

Vergence Facility (Prism Flipper 12BO/3BI)
Near: 2 cpm (double BO)
Distance: 1 cpm (double BO)

Interpupillary distance, IPD = 6.3cm

R: -ve staining
L: -ve staining