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Penglihatan Susah Nak Fokus?

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Khaulah (F/23) datang untuk pemeriksaan mata, penglihatan dengan spek 2+ tahun masih okay, tapi adakalanya tengok jauh ada kabur & penat mata hadap komputer.

Penglihatan tanpa cermin:
R: 6/120
L: 6/120

Penglihatan dengan spek:
R: -2.75/-0.75×5 (6/6)
L: -2.75/-0.50×170 (6/6)

Pemeriksaan menunjukkan:
R: -2.75/-0.25×5 (6/6) [R: dominant right eye] R=L
L: -2.50/-0.50×170 (6/6)
Near: L>R

Pemeriksaan lain menunjukkan:

Examination of Eye Alignment/Vergence (Cover Test, CT)
NMD @Distance (eyes have very slight movement on mono/bino/alternating CT) [patient reported the target moves up down left right on mono/bino/alternating CT]
NMD @Near (eyes have very slight movement on mono/bino/alternating CT) [patient reported the target moves up down left right on mono/bino/alternating CT]
(normal value: orthophoria/NMD-No Movement Detected or small XP, fast recovery)
EP = Esophoria is misalignment of the eye, eye is deviated inwards
XP = Exophoria is misalignment of the eye, eye is deviated outwards

Examination of Eye Alignment/Posture (Maddox Rod)
Distance: 5 Base Out, R 1 Base Up
Near: 3 Base Out
– vertical white line is missing sometimes, appearing the next moment before missing & reappearing again
Base Out/EP = Esophoria is misalignment of the eye, eye is deviated inwards
Base In/XP = Exophoria is misalignment of the eye, eye is deviated outwards

Examination of Eye Alignment/Posture (Howell Card) 6^ Base Down in Right Eye
Distance: 1 – 3 EP (yellow part)
+0.50 Distance: 1 – 3 EP (yellow part)
Near: 4 – 6 XP (blue part)
– top arrow is missing sometimes, appearing the next moment before missing & reappearing again
EP = Esophoria is misalignment of the eye, eye is deviated inwards
XP = Exophoria is misalignment of the eye, eye is deviated outwards

Examination of 3D Vision (Random Dot 3S)
(normal value: 12.5″)

Examination of Binocular Perception (Worth 4 Dots)
Distance: 4 dots (sometimes top dot & bottom dot would be light & dark alternately)
Near: 4 dots (sometimes top dot & bottom dot would be light & dark alternately)
(normal value: 4 dots seen = normal; 3 dots seen = Right suppression; 2 dots seen = Left suppression; 5 dots = Double vision)

Kita cuba power ini:
R: -2.75/-0.25×5 2Base-Out
L: -2.50/-0.50×170 2Base-Out
Penglihatan lebih stabil tapi masih ada rasa susah nak fokus

Interpupillary Distance = 6.8cm

Khaulah bagitahu power spek beberapa pasang sebelum ini ada yang power naik adakalanya power turun. Beliau kata penglihatannya yang susah nak fokus sudah banyak tahun, sejak dulu lagi.