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Oversized Matte Black Oppa Style?

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Alvin (F/29) came for eye examination, vision with own spectacles of more than 5years is fine. He had a trauma previously but did not have any eye operation.

Vision with own habitual glasses:
R: -1.75/-0.25×40 (6/9+)
L: -1.50 (6/7.5)

Examination showed:
R: -2.00/-0.50×45 (6/6-)
L: -1.50 (6/6)

Other assessments showed:
Cover Test (examination of Eye Alignment)
Small XP small recovery @distance
Moderate XP moderate recovery @near
(Small movement upon alternatingly covering of one eye is normal)

Howell (examination of Eye Alignment)
2XP @distance
12XP @near

EP = Esophoria is misalignment of the eye, eye is deviated inwards
XP = Exophoria is misalignment of the eye, eye is deviated outwards
The normal magnitude of misalignment for far vision (within normal range) is 0-2XP and for near vision is 0-6XP.

However, Alvin has no near vision complaint, so we will monitor accordingly.

Alvin has opted for an oversized Korean style in matte black for an Oppa style in matching glasses with Ruby. Tadaaa.. here is his pair of glasses. How are their matching couple glasses?

We will be spectacles matchmaker too!? like how Jack Ma has matchmaking in his company.. so blessed to witness unison of two people in their 十指紧扣 (10 fingers in promising knots)❤️

Thank you Alvin and Ruby for your trust & support!?