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Got Custom-Made Multifocal Contact Lens With Astigmatism Correction?

Alice (F/45) a full-time contact lens(CL) wearer, she mainly looks at computer when working. With her existing CL, she complained blurry computer work, but far vision is okay. General health & ocular health are unremarkable.

Own Spectacles Single Vision/Single Power (she has worn >5years)
R: -3.00/-1.00×160 (6/9)
L: -3.50/-2.00×175 (6/9)
Binocular VA (both eyes can see): 6/6 not sharp

Existing CL (B&L SofLens Toric/Astigmatism, she has worn this power >5years)
R: -3.00/-0.75×160
L: -3.50/-1.75×180

New Power
R: -3.50/-1.50×160 (6/6) – (Right eye,RE is dominant eye)
L: -4.00/-2.50×180 (6/6) – (Left eye,LE is non-dominant eye)
Addition(reading power): +1.25 (N5@40cm)

We prescribe: MonoVision (one eye is optimised to see far & another eye is optimised to see near)
RE (B&L PureVision2 Presbyopia/MultiFocal) & LE (B&L PureVision2 Toric)
R: -3.75 Add: Low
L: -3.75/-1.75×180

Alice is 45 years old, she is starting to have reading power now hence seeing blur vision at near. It is normal for everyone who is in 40s to start seeing blurry at near. This is due to natural lens inside our eye lose elasticity in exerting plus power to auto focus, so she is unable to see near clearly like she used to. Dominant eye is in charge of our far vision and non-dominant eye is in charge of our near vision. Normally, for monovision, we will prescribe multifocal on non dominant eye, but because she has significant astigmatism in both eyes, we will have to modify to putting multifocal lens in the lesser astigmatism. Multifocal contact lens only corrects shortsighted power / longsighted power and it does not provide astigmatism correction. As her astigmatism power is lower on right eye, in which we need to compromise astigmatism correction in exchange for reading power in the multifocal lens, so we have prescribed multifocal lens on right eye and toric contact lens on left eye (as significant astigmatism must be corrected in order to get satisfactory far vision).

We have not checked her vision with new CL, in which she will try in the coming days. We have advised her to test her vision in the morning, vision doing computer work & vision with night driving. Since this is a modified monovision, we also explained that new CL may not be as fantastic as compared to her existing CL for far vision.. as we have left out toric correction in exchange for giving her near vision.

Alternatively, we have proposed another option, which is custom-made contact lens of MultiFocal with toric correction. As all multifocal contact lenses (readymade) correct shortsighted/longsighted power only and give reading power, so those with significant astigmatism might not be happy with their astigmatism uncorrected in their far vision, although they gain near vision. So, we have this custom-made multifocal contact lens that corrects astigmatism and also enable you to see near.

Thank you Mr Chan for bringing your wife, Alice over for an eye examination. We got to know Mr Chan & Alice back then during screening. How time flies, two years have passed, it seemed like just yesterday????

Thank you Alice & Mr Chan for your trust & support!????

Thank you Ms Ammi for the insight!????


Thank you Aiden for the SEED brochures????