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Eye Pain?

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Mr Kumaresan (M/50) came for annual eye examination, complaining headache, dizziness, left eye pain & difficulty sleeping at night since 7-8 months ago. He has hypertension and on medication with no history of trauma reported. He came last year & made a pair of glasses. 

Unaided/vision without glasses:
R: 6/6
L: 6/12- double

Examination showed:
R: +0.25 (6/6)
L: +1.00/-0.25×20 (6/6)
Add: +2.00 (N5@40cm)

Colour Vision: normal

Other assessments showed:

Cover Test (examination of Eye Alignment)
@Distance: moderate exophoria, moderate recovery
@Near: large exophoria, large recovery
(normal value: Orthophoria/NMD-no movement detected or small movement detected)

Maddox Rod  (examination of Eye Alignment)
@Distance: 5 Exo (or 5^ BI) and Left eye 1 Hyper (or Left eye 1^ BD)
@Near: 25 Exo (or 25^ BI)
(normal value: @Distance 1 Eso – 3 Exo, @Near 0 – 6 Exo)

Howell Card  (examination of Eye Alignment)
Can see 3 arrows
(should be seeing only 2 arrows)

ExtraOcular Motility, EOM (examination of Eye Muscles)
fairly SAFE
but left eye temporal outshoot on elevation & left eye pain when moving temporalwards
(normal value: SAFE-smooth, accurate, full, extensive)

Confrontation (examination of gross Visual Field)
(normal value: FULL)

Left eye

We have advised him to see doctor/eye doctor for further examination soonest. Referral letter has been given to patient.