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Ms Letchmie

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Ms Letchmie (F/37) non spectacles wearer, came for eye examination, with complaint of deteriorating far vision and blurry near vision when doing packaging work lately. When prompted, she admitted that she tends to kick/bump into things easily since some years ago. General and ocular health are unremarkable. No history of trauma and no pain/haloes around light reported.

Unaided Vision
R: 6/18
L: 6/15

Examination shows:
R: +0.50/-0.25×15 (6/7.5-) PHNI
L: +0.50/-0.25×20 (6/7.5-) PHNI
Add: +1.25 (N5@40cm)

Other assessments show:

Confrontation (Examination of gross visual field)
R: constricted temporal inferiorly
(normal value: FULL)

Amsler Grid (Examination of integrity of macula; macula is in charge of our centre vision)
R: normal
L: normal
(normal value: grid lines are straight & clear)

Ocular Motility Test,OMT (Examination of eye muscles)
(normal value: SAFE-smooth, accurate, full, extensive)

Colour Vision
R: normal
L: normal

Pupil Reflex
(normal value: PERRLA-pupil equal round responsive to light & accommodation)

Slit Lamp Examination
R: normal
L: normal

Van Herrick (Assessment of anterior chamber angle-how wide the “longkang” in our eye for water to pass through)
R: Grade 2 narrow
L: Grade 2 narrow
(Grade 4 is wide open angle – Grade 0 is closed angle)

Ms Letchmie has:
1) deteriorating vision that cannot be corrected with glasses
2) constricted visual field in right eye

Referral letter has been given to her to see eye doctor/ophthalmologist for further examination.