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Custom Power for Reading Glass?

Mr Rajan (M/47) came in to buy a ready-made reading glass as his reading glass was missing. We ask whether he uses it for just a quick glance looking at price tag or menu.. or if he is using it for long period of time like working on the computer or digital devices. He said he is using it to see his phone, in which optometrist suggested him to have an eye examination to get a custom power according to his eye power, that’s most relaxed to his eyes.

Ready-made reading glass is suitable for a short glance, to have a look at something, normally price tag, ingredient on food cans, restaurant menu. If you want to see your phone/computer/newspaper for hours, we recommend custom power of reading glass, the power that is optimised for your eyes. Ready-made reading glass has the same power on both sides, and without astigmatism correction, giving a power just enough for you to be able to see it for a short time. And eye power may not be the same power in each eye as well.

For far vision, Mr Rajan has some plus power, power in + sign.. we call it hyperopia (if you still remember we talked about it in our previous post). Hyperopia power can be auto corrected by our eyes when we are still young as our eyes & eye muscles are still strong. As we grow into 40s, our eyes and eyes muscles get weaker & lose elasticity.. in so, our eyes’ ability to auto focus & auto correct the hyperopia power becomes not so competent already. When this happens, we start to see slightly blurrier at far, and we simply give our eyes the power that they need, in order to support our eyes in seeing clearly again.

For near vision, he has reading power, power in + sign also. It is normal for everyone to have reading power once we are in our 40s. Give the reading power that our eyes need, we can see clearly back again like we used to see. Just that now we need lenses to help support our eyes seeing near. This is perfectly fine, it is not any disease to our eyes, so no problem at all. Last time, our grandparents did not use any glasses because they did not need to see upclose as much as we do now. For us who are in 40s, if we do not wear reading glass for our computer work/phone, we tend to get headache, as we are forcing our eyes to work extra work in focusing on near tasks.

For your reading glass, it is the combination of your far power & to add with your reading power.. that makes up to the power of your reading glass. This is the custom power for each of your eye, giving the power they need in order for you to unleash your full potential!⚡️????????✨

* Chaw optometrist was slacking yesterday????  but we will be sure to continue reaching out to all of you. Chaw strives to update one post per day, if she were found slacking again, be sure to comment & knock her head asking her for the pending update hahahaha Let’s motivate each other to do better & to progress together.. in caring for all of you!❤️

Hoya Stellify + Flexi
Hoya Stellify engraving – SA2 (only A is seen here)
