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Complaint of Glaring?

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Wan (F/20) came for eye examination, her vision with existing spec was still okay. She complains of glaring and watery eye and when prompted on eye rubbing, she reported of rubbing often especially on her eft eye.

Own glasses:
R: -0.75/-2.25×5 (6/7.5-)
L: PL/-3.25×170 (6/9)

Examination showed:
R: -1.25/-1.75×5 (6/6)
L: -0.50/-3.25×170 (6/6)

Wan’s shortsighted power has increased 025 to 050 and her right eye’s astigmatism has come down slightly. Normally, astigmatism power would not decrease, we believe her previous higher astigmatism was a modified power so that she can wear her glasses comfortably. For big difference of astigmatic power between both eyes, you will find it uncomfortable to wear, especially for a first timer, hence modified power will be prescribed initially and fine-tune to larger difference of power on the next spectacle change.

Due to high astigmatism, Wan finds it hard especially when light hits her eyes. And she will travel and being outdoors frequently, so we prescribe Kodak EvoBlue so that the lens automatically changes to dark colour upon UV exposure to shield from glaring on sunny days. And also to be protected from blue light from the sun, the biggest source of blue light. Fitted into a transparent plastic light brown frame of ColourFlex for a fashionably upbeat mood for 20yo Wan❤️

Thank you Mr & Mrs Oon and Wan for your trust & support!?