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Car Bumper/Lamp Posts Appear to be Crooked?

Mr Chan (M/68) came for an eye examination, with no complaint. He reported that seeing far is okay & seeing near is okay too. General health is unremarkable.

Eye examination showed: for far vision
R: +0.25/-1.50×90 (6/9)
L: +0.25/-1.50×80 (6/18)

Mr Chan’s left eye vision is not satisfactory, but cataract is mild, so we checked further & found that he sees many distorted, crooked lines all over Amsler grid. Amsler grid is used to check the integrity of our macula, on the back part of our eye that is in charge of our centre vision. In event if our macula is swollen (for example), light goes into our eye falling on our swollen macula, so we have our centre vision seeing straight lines has now become crooked line or distorted, this is in need of further evaluation from eye doctor/ophthalmologist. Swollen macula may be associated with diabetes, Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) and we will have the referral letter ready soonest.

Amsler grid is also prescribed for self monitoring at home. When a lot of crooked lines are seen, it is advisable to seek treatment from ophthalmologist.

To use the Amsler grid, follow these steps. You may do it once/day or every few days as prescribed:
– Wearing reading glasses you normally use to read, hold the grid 12 to 15 inches away from your face in good light.
– Cover one eye.
– Look directly at the centre dot with your uncovered eye and keep your eye focused on it.
– While looking directly at the centre dot, notice in your side vision if all grid lines look straight or if any lines or areas look blurry, wavy, dark or blank.
– Follow the same steps with the other eye.

Eye examination is essential so as to detect the change in your vision and your eye. As we open both our eyes at the same time, we may not aware of the changes, as poorer vision of the affected eye will be compensated by good vision of the good eye. Only during annual eye examination, that we usually pick up these changes which can then be treated. Early detection is always good for any eye conditions.

Mr Chan still wants to wear his old glasses, and keeps his new glasses, like Mrs Chan. Despite having new glasses, they still so sayang, don’t want to use new glasses, and still keep using the old pair that has got a lot of scratches already. So, let us sayang our parents by hiding/keeping away our parents’ old glasses???? And Happy Father’s Day to all fathers!❤️❤️❤️

Thank you Mr Chan & Leng for your trust & support!????

Amsler Grid
Crooked lines or wavy/distorted lines or black patch seen requiring further evaluation from ophthalmologist
