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Blurry Near Vision & Headache?

Monisha (F/17) came with Harinisha to collect glasses and mother has asked for eye examination for her. She reported her far vision is okay but she complained of glaring/“silau”, and she sees blurry near vision sometimes with headache.

Upon examination, she has:
R: PL/-0.75×90 (6/6)
L: PL/-0.75X80 (6/6)

Monisha has only astigmatism power of 075 in both eyes. PL is plano, meaning zero power. Without glasses, she can still see smaller lines, but with glasses, she can see those alphabets sharper on smaller lines of testing chart or school whiteboard. Uncorrected astigmatism will cause light to be dispersed/“pecah” so you see very glaring. When astigmatism has been corrected, light goes into the eye concentrated, so you see things sharp & clear. Night vision will be affected as you find the glaring from surrounding sources of light to be unbearable. If you drive at night, you feel blinded by headlamps of oncoming car, and we want to be safe by seeing sharply clear in this kind of situation. Monisha is not driving yet, but if you do face difficulty in night driving, you may opt for anti-glaring lens on top of your astigmatism correction.

Monisha did complain of blurry near vision sometimes. She has uncorrected astigmatism and this has interrupted her focusing, hence her near vision complaint. Astigmatism has its orientation or direction, the Axis.. indicated after astigmatism power. Her right eye Axis is 90degree and left eye Axis is 80degree. Astigmatism not only affects far vision, it also affects our near vision, as in your perception of space, the space between your reading material and your eyes. And her eye stamina is slightly reduced in both eyes too. When astigmatism is uncorrected, eye stamina is used up to compensate the uncorrected astigmatism to bring about clear near vision to you. After some time of looking at near, you will start to see blurry, if you continue to see, you may have headache as eye stamina is used up and it has no enough strength to help sustain seeing clear at your near work.

Give the power our eye needs, eye is relaxed and our vision is clear & comfortable, it is easy to concentrate doing our things, then we are out to do the best we can…. by just as simple as a pair of glasses.

Monisha has blockage of oil gland with no complain of pain or tenderness. We have advised for warm compression and massage using a metal spoon to relieve the blockage. We want to have the heat to soften the blockage and to massage with a metal spoon to clear out the blockage.

Thank you Monisha & mother for your trust & support!?
