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A Single Pair of Glasses With Colour Changing?

Kuan (F/36) came for an eye examination before MCO with no complaint, with her existing pair of glasses, seeing far & near vision is okay. Her glasses were just broken, in which she returns to make a new pair of glasses.

Her power was checked again and she has:
R: -1.50 (6/6)
L: -1.75 (6/6)

Kuan has worn her existing pair of glasses for about 5 years. Her existing pair is having -1.75 in RE and -2.00 on LE. Her power has stabilised, with no power increment in 5 years. We prescribed 025 lesser in both eyes as with this new power, she is still able to see 6/6 line clearly. Considering her job scope is to face computer the whole day, reducing 025 will make her near vision more comfortable. When asked whether she does feel tired eye or dry eye facing computer, she said she is okay. If you feel your eyes are tired using digital devices, remember our 20-20-20 rule, to take regular breaks in between your work. If you are found to have dry eye, you may use artificial tears to moist your eyes. Sometimes, when we try to finish our task, we may blink lesser, it is good to blink frequently especially when we are concentrating.

Our digital devices like computers/tablets/mobile phones emit blue light.. and the biggest source of blue light is from the sun. No research so far shows that blue light from screens will spoil our eyes. If you were to look at digital devices before bedtime, so decreasing screen time at night is advised. So the decision on blue filter is on your hand.

Sometimes, she may be out & about, she opts for colour changing lenses so that she feels more comfortable whenever she is outdoors. Also, she enjoys the convenience of a single pair of glasses without needing to change into another pair of sunglasses. Colour changing lenses also provide blue light protection from the sun. And, these colour changing lenses do not change colour when you are in your car.. as most cars will have a good tint to shield from UV. So, having no UV pass through your car tint, it would mean that your lenses do not change colour as the colour change is activated with UV exposure.

Thank you Kuan for your trust & support!?
