Jlin (M/7) came for eye examination, he is able to copy at school. Parents have not noticed any symptoms like eye rubbing or frequent blink with near work.
Vision without glasses
R: 6/6
L: 6/6
R: PL (6/6)
L: PL (6/6) (L: left dominant eye)
Other assessments show:
Cover Test
Distance: NMD
Near: small XP, fast recovery
Howell Card (6BD on OD)
Distance: 0 – 2 XP
Near: 6 – 8 XP
+1.00 Near: 10 XP
-1.00 Near: 4 – 6 XP
+2.00 Near: 12 XP
-2.00 Near: 4 XP
NPC (RAF rule)
14/24cm, 14/24cm, 18/28cm, 18/28cm, 22/32cm, 22/32cm (OD deviates @14, 16cm)
AA (RAF rule)
R: 7yo, 7yo, 7yo (a few repeated blur in between, clear with blink) (blur @end of RAF rule, clear @26cm)
L: 7yo, 7yo, 7yo (a few repeated blur in between, clear with blink) (blur @end of RAF rule, clear @26cm)
NPC (RAF rule) with Add: +0.50
18/24cm, 18/24cm, 20/28cm, 20/28cm
Accommodation Facility (Flipper +/- 2.00)
BE: 14cpm, difficult minus lens
R: 9cpm, difficult plus lens
L: 14cpm, difficult minus lens
R: +0.25
L: +0.50
Fusional Reserves (Prism Bar)
Near, PFV: x/6/4
Near, NFV: x/14/10
Distance, NFV: x/12/8
Distance, PFV: x/12/6
Vergence Facility (Prism Flipper of 12Base Out & 3Base In)
Near: 5 cpm (slow BO & BI)
Distance: 0 cpm (double BO)
Fusional Reserves (Prism Bar) with Add: +0.50
Near, PFV: x/10/6
Near, NFV: 10/18/16