Mr Mano (M/65) complains of blurry & glaring far vision especially night during with existing glasses of 2years. He did cataract surgery in both eyes already – 8 years ago in right eye & 4 years ago in left eye. He drives a lot these days.
Vision with existing glasses
R: +0.50/1.50×80 (6/6)
L: +1.25/-1.25×90 (6/7.5-)
Add: +2.00
Examination shows:
R: +0.50/-1.50×80 (6/6)
L: +1.75/-2.50×90 (6/6)
Add: +2.50 (N5@40cm)
Mr Mano can see 6/6 line – the smallest line on testing chart, and that’s awesome! The condition of his intraocular lens (IOL) after cataract surgery is still clear with no opacification after all these years. Left eye is thoroughly clean!

We are very happy seeing all our customer friends having good vision❤️
Let’s care for our healthy eyes by:
- keeping high blood pressure, diabetes & cholesterol at bay
- staying active
- having regular eye examination
- having a happy mindset & perspective