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Unsatisfactory Vision After A Few Spectacle Changes

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Madam Mender (F/51) came for eye examination, having unsatisfactory vision after a few spectacle changes, with complaint of blurry near vision when doing packaging work using machines with her existing bifocal glasses of 3 years & even new glasses, and it is getting difficult to work recently. She had a head trauma when she was young, but she reported that she only tends to kick/bump into things easily since 3years ago. No pain/haloes around light reported. History of general & ocular health are unremarkable. 

Examination shows:
R: +2.00/-0.50×5 (6/9-) PHNI
L: +1.50 (6/9-) PHNI
Add: +2.75 (N6@40cm)

Other assessments show:

Confrontation (Examination of gross visual field)
R: constricted at all directions
L: constricted at all directions
(normal value: FULL)

Amsler Grid (Examination of integrity of macula; macula is in charge of our centre vision)
R: various blurred lines 
L: few distorted & blurry lines
(normal value: grid lines are straight & clear)

Ocular Motility Test,OMT (Examination of eye muscles)
(normal value: SAFE-smooth, accurate, full, extensive)

Colour Vision
R: normal
L: normal

Pupil Reflex
(normal value: PERRLA-pupil equal round responsive to light & accommodation)

Slit Lamp Examination
R: yellowish on lens/cataract
L: yellowish on lens/cataract

Van Herick (Assessment of anterior chamber angle-how wide the “longkang” in our eye for water to pass through)
R: Grade 2 narrow
L: Grade 2 narrow
(Grade 4 is wide open angle – Grade 0 is closed angle)

Madam Mender has:
1) constricted gross visual field/constricted side vision in both eyes
2) blurred & distorted lines detected in Amsler grid in both eyes 

Referral letter has been given to her to see eye doctor/ophthalmologist at once.