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En. Sarava (M/48) datang untuk pemeriksaan mata, penglihatan dengan cermin matanya masih okay.

Habitual glasses of >5years
R: PL (6/15-) Add: +2.00
L: PL (6/45+) Add: +2.50

Examination shows: (Tumbling E)
R: +1.00 (6/7.5) PHNI
L: +1.50 (6/15-) PHNI
Add: +2.00 (N8+@40cm)

Other assessments show:

Examination of Eye Alignment/Vergence (Cover Test, CT)
NMD @Distance 
NMD @Near
(normal value: orthophoria/NMD-No Movement Detected or small XP, fast recovery)
EP = Esophoria is misalignment of the eye, eye is deviated inwards
XP = Exophoria is misalignment of the eye, eye is deviated outwards

Examination of Eye Alignment/Posture (Howell Card) by 6^ Base Down on Right eye
Distance: 0
Near: 0
(normal value: 0-1 EP (yellow part) or 0-3 XP (blue part) @Distance; and 0-6 XP (blue part) @Near)
EP = Esophoria is misalignment of the eye, eye is deviated inwards
XP = Exophoria is misalignment of the eye, eye is deviated outwards

Colour Vision
R: normal
L: defect
(normal value: normal)

Amsler Chart (assess integrity of macula)
R: all lines are straight
L: many crooked lines
(normal value: lines are straight with equal gaps in between lines & no brown/black patch/spot)

Pupil Reflex 
(normal value: PERRLA, -ve RAPD)

R: -ve staining
L: -ve staining

Kita tanya sama ada En. Sarava perasan yang penglihatan mata kirinya lebih kabur.. beliau tidak perasan.

Left nasally
Left cataract