Yiwen (F/10) came back for follow up.
Unaided VA (Vision without glasses)
R: 6/7.5, Near: N5@40cm
L: 6/7.5, Near: N5@40cm
Examination shows:
NPC (Convergence – ability of eye to maintain a single clear near image) by RAF rule
14cm, 18cm, 20cm
AA (Accommodation/Focusing – eye stamina/ability of eye to focus & sustain seeing near clearly) by RAF rule
R: 7cm, 7cm, 7cm
L: 7cm, 7cm, 7cm
(normal value: 7.5cm for a 10year old)
NRA (accommodation analysis – ability to relax accommodation)
+1.00 (normal value: +1.50 to +2.50)
PRA (accommodation analysis – ability to stimulate accommodation)
-1.25 (normal value: -1.37 to -3.37)
NFV @near (divergence stamina: how much eye can diverge) – with Base In Prism Bar
Blur/Break/Recovery: 10/14/8
(normal value Break: 7 to 17; normal value Recovery: 3 to 11)
Base In got blur point – uncorrected hyperope?
PFV @near (convergence stamina: how much eye can converge) with Base Out Prism Bar
Blur/Break/Recovery: 8/14/6
(normal value Break: 15 to 31; normal value Recovery: 10 to 22)
Yiwen has Convergence Insufficiency (CI):
- NPC is still receded
- NRA is low
- eyes have difficulty to converge, so PFV is low
When prompted, she said she has not really been doing 3Cats exercise as she sometimes cannot see the 3cats becoming one. So, we change and prescribe Pencil push up.. to continue to train her convergence

We will see her again in 4-6weeks.