Kang (M/6) came for eye examination, mummy reported he has habit of eye rubbing but he did not have sinus.
Examination showed:
R: PL/-1.25×180 (6/6-)
L: -0.25/-2.00×10 (6/7.5) (Retinoscopy showed slight against movement on 90 meridian on both eyes)
Kang will tend to squeeze his eyes to see.. this may indicate having astigmatism. Squeezing eyes to see gives pinhole effect, minimising scattering light into the eye, thus better vision achieved. He does not really have shortsighted power, mainly having astigmatism. He does have a bit of papillae(small bumps on inner lids), we have advised to use non-preserved artificial tears should he found to keep rubbing his eyes.
Kang looks adorably cute in round frame of Flekswiss plastic frame, with good flexibility in growing kids. Pairing with Zeiss clear lenses with double UV protection.

Thank you mummy Irene, grandmother Nancy and Kang for your trust & support!?