Joanne D (F/6) came for eye examination, parents reported she holds phone quite close to her eyes and she needs to focus hard to see, and teacher has asked to bring for eye check.
Vision without glasses:
R: 6/15- (read out slowly & with eyebrow frowned)
L: 6/18+
Examination shows:
R: PL/-2.00×10 (6/12) PHNI N5-@30cm
L: PL/-2.00X5 (6/12) PHNI N5@30cm
Other assessments show:
Titmus Fly
Cover Test
Distance: NMD
Near: small XP, fast recovery
Howell Card
Distance: 2 – 4 XP
Near: 8 – 10 XP
+1.00 Near: 10 XP
Maddox Rod
Distance: 2BI
Near: 3.5BI
Right eye overshoot @ 1 o’clock & 3 o’clock on left gaze
(Right eye is partially not seen at these gazes)
slight left face turn
We refer Joanne for cycloplegic refraction.
* Updated
Cycloplegic Refraction 28/4/2021
R: +0.25/-3.50×180 (6/12) PHNI N5@30cm
L: +0.50/-3.75X180 (6/9) PHNI N5@30cm
* UpdatedA Follow Up
R: +0.25/-3.50×180 (6/9) N5 slow @30cm
L: +0.50/-3.75X180 (6/6) N5@30cm
*UpdatedB 9/10/2022
Joanne (F/7) came for follow up. She is able to copy from whiteboard at school. She said her far & near vision is fine.
Vision without glasses
R: 6/21- 6/18-
L: 6/15- 6/12-
Vision with existing glasses
R: +0.25/-3.50×180 (6/9- 6/7.5- 6/6-) (+1.00 blur lens test: 6/7.5-)
L: +0.50/-3.75X180 (6/6) (+1.00 blur lens test: 6/9) L>R
Near: N5@30cm (L>R)
Other assessments show: (with existing glasses)
Random Dot 3S
12.5″ (with Add +0.75)
Cover Test
Distance: NMD
Near: small XP, fast recovery
Howell Card
Distance: 2 XP
Near: 10 XP
+1.00 Near: 12 XP
-1.00 Near: 6 XP
+2.00 Near: 12 XP
-2.00 Near: 4 XP
8/10cm, RE deviates @9cm, 10/12cm, 12/14cm, RE deviates @10cm
R: 40yo, 40yo, 40yo
L: 40yo, 40yo, 40yo
Accommodation Facility (+/- 2.00) single letter alphabet
BE: 12 cpm, difficult minus lens
R: 14 cpm, difficult minus lens
L: 14 cpm, difficult minus lens
R: +0.75
L: +0.25
Fusional Reserves
Near, PFV: x/4/2
Near, NFV: 10/18/16
Distance, NFV: x/6/4
Distance, PFV: 2/6/2
Vergence Facility
Near: 0 cpm (double BO)
Distance: 0 cpm (double BO)
Interpupillary distance, IPD = 5.6cm
+gradient AC/A = 2:1, -gradient AC/A = 4:1
We ask if Joanne rubs/blinks her eyes when seeing near, parents reported her eye rubbing is so much lesser now. We will monitor whether or not her near vision is affected.. we also ask parents to prompt & check on her near vision especially when she is on near for longer time.

UpdatedC 17/3/2023
Joanne (F/8) came for follow up. She wears her glasses to school & sometimes she does not her glasses to see near at home.
Vision without glasses
R: 6/24- 6/21- 6/18-
L: 6/15- 6/12-
Vision with existing glasses
R: +0.25/-3.50×180 (6/9- 6/7.5- 6/6-)
L: +0.50/-3.75X180 (6/9- 6/7.5- 6/6-)
Other assessments show: (with existing glasses)
Random Dot 3S
12.5″ slow
Cover Test
Distance: small XP, fast recovery
Near: moderate XP, moderate recovery
Howell Card
Distance: 2 XP
Near: 10 XP
+1.00 Near: 12 XP
-1.00 Near: 2 – 4 XP
+1.00 (monocular occlusion: OD blur, OS blur)
-0.75 (monocular occlusion: OD blur, OS blur)
6/8cm, 7/9cm, 8/10cm, 9/11cm, 10/12cm
R: 42yo, 42yo, 42yo
L: 42yo, 42yo, 44yo
R: +0.25
L: +0.25