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Jas Arif Ziqri

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Ziqri (M/8) datang untuk pemeriksaan mata, cikgu suruh bawa untuk periksa mata. Beliau duduk bahagian depan kelas.. masih dapat nampak & salin papan putih/hitam. Beliau tidak pernah pakai cermin mata.

Vision without glasses
R: 6/9+, N5
L: 6/9-, N5

Examination shows:
R: -0.25 (R: right dominant eye) R>L
L: -0.25

Other assessments show: (Unaided)

Cover Test
Distance: NMD
Near: NMD

Howell Card (6BD on OD)
Distance: 1 EP
Near: 2 XP
+1.00 Near: 4 XP



NPC (RAF rule)
6/8cm, 6/8cm, 6/8cm, 6/8cm, 6/8cm

AA (RAF rule)
R: 10 YO, 10 YO, 10 YO
L: 10 YO, 10 YO, 10 YO

Accommodation Facility (+/- 2.00)
BE: 8 cpm, difficult minus lens
R: 9 cpm, no difficulty
L: 11 cpm, difficult minus lens

R: +0.25

Fusional Reserves (Prism Bar)
Near, PFV: x/14/10
Near, NFV: x/8/4
Distance, NFV: x/6/4
Distance, PFV: 14/20/18

Vergence Facility (Prism Flipper 12BO/3BI)
Near: 1 cpm (double BO & BI, regain single faster with BI than BO)
Distance: 3 cpm (double BO & BI, regain single faster with BI than BO)

Random Dot 3S

Unaided Vision
OU: 6/6-

R: PL (R>L)
Add: +0.75/+0.50 (L>R)

Prescribe for near only
R: +0.50
L: +0.50



Ziqri datang untuk follow up. Ibu bagitahu Ziqri suka guna cermin mata & selalu pakai spek ke sekolah jugak. Spek beliau duduk di hujung hidung.

Vision without glasses
R: 6/15
L: 6/12-

Existing glasses for near only
R: +0.50
L: +0.50

Examination shows:
R: -0.75 (6/6) [R: right dominant eye] R>L
L: -0.50 (6/6)
Near: L>R

Other assessments show:

Cover Test
Distance: NMD
Near: NMD

Howell Card (6BD on OD)
Distance: 3 EP (unaided)
Distance: 3 EP
Near: 2 XP
+1.00 Near: 8 XP
-1.00 Near: 5 EP
+2.00 Near: 6 XP
-2.00 Near: 7 EP


-1.50 (mono occlusion: OD better, OS blurry)

NPC (RAF rule)
TTN, TTN, TTN, 6/8cm, 6/8cm, 6/8cm

AA (RAF rule)
R: 14.5D, 14.5D, 14.5D
L: 16D, 16D, 16D

Accommodation Facility (+/- 2.00)
BE: 12 cpm, difficult minus lens
R: 16 cpm, difficult minus lens
L: 16 cpm, difficult minus lens

R: +1.00
L: +1.00

Fusional Reserves (Prism Bar)
Near, NFV: x/6/4
Near, PFV: 10/25/20 (above blur point 10, double then single)
Distance, NFV: x/4/2
Distance, PFV: x/18/16

Vergence Facility (Prism Flipper 12BO, 3BI)
Near: 2 cpm (slow BO & BI)
Distance: 2 cpm (slow BO & BI)

Interpupillary distance, IPD = 6.3cm
+gradient AC/A = 6:1, -gradient AC/A = 7:1, calculated AC/A = 4.6