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High Astigmatism?

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Fei (M/24) came for eye examination to make a new pair of glasses, vision with current glasses is fine.

Vision with current glasses:
R: -5.50/-0.25×140 (6/6)
L: -5.25/-1.75×165 (6/6)

Examination showed:
R: -5.25/-0.75×140 (6/6)
L: -5.00/-2.25×165 (6/6)

Fei has an increase of 050 in his astigmatism power. He reported rubbing his left eye most of the time due to itchiness with no history of sinus. Sometimes, it may be dust that has gone into our eyes causing the itchiness/irritation. Use non-preserved artificial tears to clear the irritants, most of the time, we will feel better. Alternatively, we may apply cool compression by using a face towel/eye mask (put in freezer) before resting it on our eyes for a few minutes to relieve the itchiness.

Fei has chosen frame with clip on sunglasses of Zara so that he can use it during driving to shield from glaring that sometimes can have piercing-like feeling to his eyes, due to his high astigmatism. We prescribe him Kodak City Lens giving him a comfortable, glaring-cut vision of all time.

Glad to hear that Fei finds it comfortable especially during driving. Fei’s brother, Kit also made his glasses previously in which we notice in our system having same surname & middle name?

Thank you Fei for your trust & support!?