Mr Choo (M/66) came for eye examination, complaining slight blurry far & near vision with existing multifocal glasses of 2years.
Vision with old glasses:
R: +2.25/-0.75×90 (6/9-)
L: PL/-1.50×90 (6/9+)
Add: +2.50 (N8@40cm)
Examination showed:
R: +2.50/-1.25×90 (6/7.5)
L: PL/-2.00×90 (6/6-)
Add: +2.75 (N6@40cm)
Mr Choo had cataract surgery in both eyes quite a few years back already, thus good vision is attained in both eyes. On his left eye, he has pterygium and it is due to exposure to the sun/UV. Pterygium will slowly grow to the centre of our eye. We will monitor for progression of his pterygium and will advise to see eye doctor or ophthalmologist to surgically remove pterygium before it blocks his vision.
Mr Choo has his previous lenses chipped at bottom of lens, so now he changes to a full frame Boccati of stainless steel that is anti-corrosion for his active lifestyle. He has been using Hoya lenses with no complaint so we prescribe him the same with upgraded lens design for wider reading portion of Dynamic Summit HVLL. We will prescribe the same lens company with existing glasses if no complaint or if he/she would like to try lenses from other lens companies. We will let you know and you can decide accordingly.
Happy to hear that the reading portion is comfortable?

Thank you Mr Choo for your trust & support!? and thank you Mr Albert for your referral?
* you may read more about pterygium from the website of Association of Malaysian Optometrists (AMO):