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Custom Two Power Reading Glasses?

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Mr Ooi (M/60) came for eye examination complaining heavy vision looking at computer, seeing very upclose is okay. He only used his glasses to see near and his far vision is fine without glasses.

Vision without glasses:
R: 6/6-
L: 6/9

Existing glasses:
R: +1.00
L: +1.25
Add: +2.00

Examination showed:
R: PL (6/6-)
L: +0.50 (6/6)
Addition: +2.00

Mr Ooi sees fine for his far vision without glasses. He has mild cataract in both his eyes as he still can see the smallest line on testing chart. He also has a whitish ring, arcus seniles in both his eyes, indicating a need for him have a body check on cholesterol.

Mr Ooi has to use computer for long hours every day, and his desktop is positioned slightly further away. So, a pair of reading glasses will serve his near work needs. But normal reading glasses of 1power is unable to give him satisfactory vision looking at computer and paperwork at the same time. So, we have prescribed a pair of reading glasses of 2 power to enable him to see comfortably from desktop to his paperwork/hp. Seeing desktop requires lower reading power as it is further away, while reading paperwork/hp will need higher reading power as it is closer to our eyes.

Having worn half frame all those years, Mr Ooi has chosen to try on browline style frame of Elite for a refreshing look pairing with Hoya Add Power.

Mild cataract
Arcus seniles

Thank you Mr Ooi for your trust & support!?