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Comfortable Nosepad?

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Mr Loo (M/50) came for eye examination, vision with current multifocal glasses is not so good for both seeing far & seeing near.

Vision with own glasses of 2+years:
R: +0.25/-0.75×165 (6/7.5)
L: -1.25/-0.50×20 (6/7.5)
Add: +1.50

Examination showed: LE dominant
R: PL/-1.25×165 (6/6)
L: -1.25/-1.00×20 (6/6)
Add: +2.00 (N5@40cm)

Mr Loo has increment of 050 in astigmatism and 050 reading power in both eyes. Reading power increases gradually due to inelasticity of our natural lens as we age. Our natural lens is elastic to change its shape giving us the eye power for us to see. It also gives us our focusing, termed as accommodation. When we are young, our natural lens is elastic, so our focusing is still good when we see near. When we are older, our natural lens becomes less elastic, so our focusing at near is poorer hence reading power is needed to support seeing near.

Mr Loo gets a bigger eye shape in flexible, plastic frame of Penada, and he really likes the comfort of its nosepad. To pair with multifocal lenses of Hoya Balansis in clear lenses.

Happy to hear that the glasses are “hou hou”, Mr Loo?

Thank you Mr Loo & wifey for your trust & support!?