We have oil glands at top and bottom of our eyes. It provides an oil layer to the surface of our eyes to prevent tears lost/tears evaporation.
When we have blocked oil glands, you may find that you have bumps on your eyelid on regular basis. While for females who use make up, you may find that your make-up smudges easily. This might indicate that your oil glands may have blockage issue. When your oil gland is blocked, your eye has inadequate of oil, so your eyes send signal to request for more oil production. Increased oil production can lead to having these bumps.
Oil gland blockage may be unnoticeable to you, unless if the oil gland blockage has caught an infection, in which the infection causes tenderness, swollen or pain to you. Or oil gland blockage can be picked up by your eye care practitioner during your routine eye examination.
How do we go about resolving oil gland blockage?
Warm compression & massage
Take a clean face towel/handkerchief soaked into hot water (not too hot that it burns), then let it rest on your closed eyes for a few minutes. Then take a metal spoon dipped into hot water (not too hot that it burns), we want a hot spoon as we want the heat to help break/dissolve the oil blockage as we massage our eyes. Use the curved part of the spoon to gently roll over from top to bottom on the upper part of our eye as well as to gently roll over from bottom to top on the lower part of our eye. Massage your eyes for a few minutes each time on daily basis will help to relieve the oil blockage slowly.
You do it twice a day, or at least once a day after you shower every night. After two weeks or a month, you come back for a follow up.
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