Leela Arumugam
Leela (F/43) came for eye examination, with complaint of blurry near vision for some time already. She sometimes feels dizzy with near work. Vision without glassesR: 6/6L: 6/6 Examination shows:R:…
Leela (F/43) came for eye examination, with complaint of blurry near vision for some time already. She sometimes feels dizzy with near work. Vision without glassesR: 6/6L: 6/6 Examination shows:R:…
Elaine C came for eye examination, with complaint of slight blurry near vision. Vision without glassesR: 6/6- (better)L: 6/7.5- 6.6- Existing glassesR: +0.25 (6/6) L: +0.25 (6/6) Near: +1.25 Examination…
Kingston L (M/32) came for eye examination, vision with existing glasses is fine seeing far & near. Vision without glassesR: xguess 6/120 (squeeze eyes: 6/60)L: xguess 6/120 (squeeze eyes: 6/60)…
YongXin (F/16) came for eye examination, vision with existing glasses is fine seeing far & near. Vision without glassesR: 6/30 (squeeze eyes: 6/21-)L: 6/60 (squeeze eyes: 6/30) Vision with existing…
YQian (F/5) came for eye examination, mother complains that she always moves to the front to watch TV. Vision without glassesR: 6/45-L: 6/45- Examination shows:R: PL/-1.75x180 (6/24-) N6@30cmL: PL/-1.75x180 (6/24-)…
10/4/2021 XZhen (M/8) came for eye examination, he sometimes cannot copy from whiteboard at school now. He previously came & he had shortsighted power of 100 & 075 when he…
Jess C (F/37) came for eye examination, vision with existing glasses is fine seeing far & near. She wears monthly disposable contact lens of power -5.50 to work on weekdays,…
Mr Lim SL (M/45) presented with complaints of seeing horizontal diplopia binocularly when driving with his new progressive glasses made about 3 months ago. He reported no double seen in…
Candy Loo (F/43) came for eye examination, with complaint of slightly blurry seeing near with existing glasses of 3years. Far vision is fine. Vision without glassesR: 6/60+1L: 6/120 Vision with…
21/4/2021 Roshan (M/9) datang untuk pemeriksaan mata, bapa memberitahu bahawa anaknya sering tidak siapkan kerja sekolah ingatkan dia enggan buat kerja sekolahnya dan juga selalu salah salin/eja dalam buku. Penglihatan…