Notice 10/11/2021 *UpdatedAB
Dearest all customer friends, We will be closed from 10/11/2021 (Wed) to 24/11/2021 (Wed). We apologise for the inconveniences caused. .................................... I have been in close contact with a positive…
Dearest all customer friends, We will be closed from 10/11/2021 (Wed) to 24/11/2021 (Wed). We apologise for the inconveniences caused. .................................... I have been in close contact with a positive…
Ms Chan (F/46) came for eye examination end of last year, with complaint of blurry far & near vision with existing Single Vision, SV glasses of 3 years. She reported…
Mrs Lee (F/52) came for eye examination, her vision is fine seeing far but seeing near is blurry with her exiting multifocal glasses of more than 5years. The lenses have…
Latipah (F/30) datang untuk pemeriksaan mata, penglihatan dengan cermin mata masih okay. Kita perasan ada ptosis, kelopak mata atas mata kiri ada turun sikit (~1-1.5mm) berbanding mata kanan tapi beliau…
Yvonne (F/48) came for eye examination, with complaint blurry near vision. Her far vision is fine with existing Single Vision, SV glasses of quite some years. Vision with existing SV…
Ms Lee (F/46) came for eye examination, with complaints of glaring, tired, burning eyes with blurry near vision & it gets worse recently. Sometimes, far vision is blurry too. She…
Mr Khim (M/49) came for eye examination, vision with existing multifocal glasses is fine seeing far but he sometimes sees slightly blurry far vision and he removes glasses to see…
Uncle Sivam (M/72) datang untuk pemeriksaan mata, cermin matanya tertinggal & hilang. Uncle ada alternating exotropia - juling keluar yang bersilih ganti antara dua belah mata sejak bayi lagi. Beliau…
QTing (F/10) came for eye examination, mother notices that one of her eyes is inattentive. Mother also reported that she tends to fall down or bangs into things since young…
LShen (M/13) Priscilla's son, came for eye examination, with complaint of slight blurry far vision since quite some time ago. He was told to have power in one eye only…