Kleoe Chan
21/3/2022 XE (F/10) came for eye examination, with complaints of slightly blurry far vision with existing glasses of 1 year. We notice that she likes to hold very close to…
21/3/2022 XE (F/10) came for eye examination, with complaints of slightly blurry far vision with existing glasses of 1 year. We notice that she likes to hold very close to…
30/10/2022 Natalie (F/7) came for eye examination, with complaint of sometimes blurry seeing whiteboard at school (she sits at the back of class) & headache when she strains her eyes…
18/9/2022 EYi (F/9) came for follow up. She can copy from whiteboard, now that she sits in the middle row of her class. She feels that her eyes are tired.…
Andrew Y (M/36) came with complaint of slight blurry near vision after long hours of computer & sometimes headache with existing glasses recently. He first started wearing glasses 6-7years ago.…
Aaron N (M/30) came with complaint of slight blurry seeing far away/driving recently.. he wears contact lens R: -3.00 L:-2.75 whenever he goes for sports. Unaided VisionR: 6/60L: 6/45 Existing…
Mr Lee HM (M/62) came for eye examination, with complaint of blurry far vision with existing multifocal glasses since middle of last year. He reported seeing far blurry especially when…
Kavitha (F/39) came with complaint of headache these few days & it does not go away with sleep. She reported slight blurry near vision & tired eyes using computer at…
28/12/2021 Sue jie (F/48) came for eye examination, with complaint sometimes blurry vision & dizziness on computer.. she seems to have this complaint since many2 years ago, even before she…
Mrs Ng, Tang CY (F/47) came with complaint of slight blurry far & near vision with existing glasses recently. Vision without glasses R: xguess 6/60L: 6/60- Existing reading glasses of…
CXian (F/10) came with complaint of blurry seeing whiteboard at school & sometimes headache after school.. mother reported that she copies her homework wrongly at times. Vision without glasses R:…