Jamie Ng Sui Lyn
Jamie N (F/29) came for eye examination, vision with existing glasses is blurry seeing far2 away. She reported having headache with near work sometimes, about twice a week. She will…
Jamie N (F/29) came for eye examination, vision with existing glasses is blurry seeing far2 away. She reported having headache with near work sometimes, about twice a week. She will…
Rezza (M/28) came for eye examination, vision with existing glasses is fine seeing far. He removes glasses to see near, otherwise he will feel tired eyes seeing near with glasses.…
12/12/2021 Daniel (M/29) came for eye examination, with complaint of dizziness after long hours of computer work and when he sees far away, far vision becomes blurry. He works in…
June Xian (F/14) came with complaint of blurry far vision in right eye since many years ago & sometimes headache. Brother reported that she will hold her phone very near.…
Angella (F/24) came for eye examination, vision with existing glasses is blurry seeing far2 away. She reported having headache sometimes. Vision without glassesR: xguess 6/60L: 6/60- Vision with existing glasses…
7/5/2021 WKay (F/10) came with complaint of slight blurry far vision looking at whiteboard at school. She needs to go to the front in order to copy. Her mother reported…
27/4/2021 Joanne D (F/6) came for eye examination, parents reported she holds phone quite close to her eyes and she needs to focus hard to see, and teacher has asked…
25/10/2022 Eugene (F/8) came for eye examination, with complaint of blurry seeing whiteboard at school as time goes by. She also complained about itchy eye in left eye. Vision without…
Lian jie (F/54) came for eye examination, with complaint of slight blurry far vision seeing subtitles on TV. She was told to go see ophthalmologist 2years ago to have laser.…
Irene F. (F/37) came for eye examination, with complaint of slight blurry far vision seeing subtitles on TV. She was told to go see ophthalmologist 2years ago to have laser.…