Mr Michael came for an eye examination, complaining seeing computer and near vision are not so good now.
Examination showed:
R: -6.50/-2.25×105 (6/9-)
L: -3.25/-1.50×85 (6/9+)
Add: +2.75 (N6@40cm)
Mr Michael has anisometropia, a power difference of 200 between two eyes.. and he has power difference of 325. Anisometropia may give rise to unequal size of image seen, one image from one eye may be seen bigger/smaller than the other image seen.. that may cause visual discomfort.
The technology behind multifocal lens design comes into play in computing a truly personalised lens for Mr Michael – in terms of:
1. harmonising the great power difference/anisometropia between two eyes
2. computing each point to its customised power in relation to the different points of our eye rotating behind the lens ascertaining the highest accuracy of power
3. considering your preferred position of frame sitting on our face
– the distance of lens from your eye,
– the tilt of the frame,
– the wrap/curve of the frame
(as curved frame/lens results in aberration/blurriness)
All these personalised parameters are computed before the lens is ground and goes under production.
Mr Michael multitasks between computer work and paperwork as well as reading simultaneously.. requiring excellent performance of lens to best match to the required visual needs.. having in Hoya’s most premium multifocal lens design to cater to such specificity at the widest comfortable design. To ease the transition of weather, he has the lenses in colour changing, Hoya Sensity Emerald Green to shield from the brutal sun when he is outdoors and to automatically fade back to clear lens the next moment he steps indoors.
Presenting in Agnes B in the colour of grandeur gold.. impressively set the direction & affirmingly accentuate his action. This is when he is at work. The same tone he can diversify to a different mood – to chilling and relaxing setting.. such as at the beach! As life is too short to not enjoy it the way we want to rock it!❤️
During the eye examination, one of my customer friend’s wife came in to cancel her husband’s glasses order made earlier in the day. And we were apologetic, for our customer friends are still doubtful of their purchase, and we failed in explaining to their best understanding. So, she requested for a refund in which we did refund to her. So, the ambience was still for a moment.. but we just needed to carry on.
Mr Michael, we appreciate it that you still gave us this chance, despite the incident.
Thank you very much from the bottom of our heart for your trust & support Mr Michael?