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Roshan (M/9) datang untuk pemeriksaan mata, bapa memberitahu bahawa anaknya sering tidak siapkan kerja sekolah ingatkan dia enggan buat kerja sekolahnya dan juga selalu salah salin/eja dalam buku.

Penglihatan tanpa cermin mata:
R: 6/36-
L: 6/36

Pemeriksaan menunjukkan:
R: -2.50/-0.50×180 (6/9) N5@33cm
L: -2.25 (6/9) N5@33cm

Pemeriksaan Penglihatan 3D (Titmus Fly)
(normal value: 20″)

*UpdatedA 23/12/2022

Roshan (M/10) came for follow up. Father reported that he will have face turn to left to watch TV.

Vision without glasses
R: 6/30-
L: 6/30-

Existing glasses (spec given during school eye screening)
R: -3.25/0.50×180 (6/7.5- 6/6-)
L: -3.25 (6/7.5- 6/6-)

Other assessments show:

Cover Test
Distance: small XP, fast recovery (intermittent R exotropia)
Near: alternating XT

Random Dot 3S
12.5″ slow (few incorrect attempts before getting the correct one)

Howell Card
Distance: 4 XP
Near: 18 XP
-1.00 Near: 10 XP
-2.00 Near: 0

Maddox Rod
Distance: 2 BI
Near: 16 BI

R: +0.25
L: +0.25

Fusional Reserves (Prism Bar)
Near, PFV: x/12/4
Near, NFV: x/20/14
Distance, PFV: x/x/x
Distance, NFV: x/12/8

Vergence Facility (Prism Flipper 12BO/3BI)
Near: 4 cpm (slow BO & BI)
Distance: 12 cpm

We repeated
Fusional Reserves (Prism Bar)
Near, PFV: x/4/2
Near, NFV: x/30/16

Worth 4 Dots
R: 4 dots
L: 4 dots