Mr Lim (M/52) came for eye examination, complaining blurry far vision and something blocking his right vision since quite some time already.
Vision without glasses:
R: 6/60-
L: 6/18-
Examination shows:
R: -0.50/-2.50×120 (6/45) PH 6/15
L: -0.25/-2.25×90 (6/9) PHNI Add: +2.25 (N5@40cm)
Upon slit lamp examination, fluorescein test shows some staining on the cornea, front part of eye. We everted the upper eyelid to check if there is any foreign body trapped underneath that gave the staining but we did not see any. Mr Lim reported to have intense itchiness sometimes and he also has cataract in both eyes.
Mr Lim’s best corrected vision acuity, BCVA.. he can see up until line 6/45 but he can see better looking through a pinhole, achieving 6/15. This pinhole result indicates that his vision can actually be corrected up to 6/15. So, we suspect the staining that has caused the poor vision.
We have advised him to see an ophthalmologist for further examination and referral letter will be given to him soonest.